River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Welcome to Stoke Ferry

Includes the Wissey Valley villages of Boughton, Stoke Ferry, Wereham, West Dereham, Whittington and Wretton

The Prince and the Parliament

November 2002

Charles and his comments Recently it has become known that Prince Charles has taken to expressing...

The Liberty and Livelihood March

November 2002

Some background information and opinion on September's march The Liberty and Livelihood March was...

Second Time Around

November 2002

Doctor or Vicar? If ever I come this way again and, assuming I am then much more intelligent than I...

Runnin' On

November 2002

More of Janet's thoughts It seems ages since I wrote my previous Runnin' on but I have started to...

Rector's Letter

November 2002

Remembrance Day, 11th November Remembrance and hope are the two themes that seem to dominate this...

Letters to the Editor

November 2002

New residents, Les gets his just dessert and an updated from Downham Dear Ray, As newcomers to the...

Is Managing Power Beyond Our Ken?

November 2002

Ken Livingstone's congestion charge is driving London mad I've always had a soft spot for Ken...

Harvest Fayre

November 2002

Many thanks to all of you that attended September's music festival I am delighted to report that...

Green Living

November 2002

Batteries - good ideas for the committed and the reluctant environmentalist Almost all of us use...

Gardeners Corner

November 2002

How to make an ornamental potager Fancy doing something different with your garden, how about making...


November 2002

As bonfire night becomes firework night, the celebrations turn to commercialism Hello again,...

Down Memory Lane with the 1st Wretton and Wereham Cub Pack

November 2002

1982 - Annual General Meeting: Leader's Report We have 14 invested cubs; two were working for their...


November 2002

New titles available from Mobile and Branch Libraries in Norfolk Quentin's has had its fair share of...

Best Laid Plans

November 2002

A daughter gets married You may, or may not, remember that in my last contribution to the Pump I...

A Good Pub Meal or Education for a Year?

November 2002

Sponsir a child in Mnarani, Kenya Imagine, if you can, a village with approximately the same number...

What is peace?

October 2002

A piece about peace Peace; everyone's heard the word, but do they know what it means? My patrol at...

Try A Scrapbook

October 2002

It seems just as fresh as when you first read it I don't know if I have gone back to my childhood,...

The Wandering Mind

October 2002

Open all hours It is now over two years since I started regularly going to Chapel every Sunday and I...

The Village Pump Soapbox

October 2002

Countryside Alliance, Soham and Iraq At the time of writing this that is what the posters everywhere...

The Village Kitchen

October 2002

675g / 1.5lb marrow, peeled, de-seeded and cut into 2.5 cm / 1 ins cubes 450g / 1lb onions, thinly...

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